The Old Testament looks forward to the coming of Christ - “Here is My Servant, whom I uphold, My Chosen One in whom I delight; I will put My Spirit on Him and He will bring justice to the nations” (Isaiah 42:1).
He is the fulfilment of the Old Testament hope: “He redeemed us in
order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles
through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of
the Spirit” (Galatians 3:14). Proverbs 22:28
says, “Do not move an ancient boundary stone set up by your
forefathers.” Jesus Christ may be ancient, He is still the boundary
stone, set not only by our forefathers but by our Heavenly Father. He is
the Rock of our salvation. He is the criterion by which the boundaries
are set. We are not to move the boundaries because modern man has
become impatient with a faith that is based on the Bible. In this
generation and every generation, we are to set our feet firmly on the
Rock of ages, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, whose Gospel is old
yet ever new, ancient yet constantly relevant.
The power of God was upon Elisha. God was at work in mighty power. When we red about Elisha, we say, in our hearts, ‘This is not about Elisha. This is about God - - God working through Elisha.’ We must always remember to give all the glory to the Lord. The praise does not belong to the servant. It belongs to the Lord. He alone is worthy of praise.
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