“The glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle” (Exodus 40:34-35).
There is, however, an even greater demonstration of God’s glory - in
Christ. Concerning Christ, God says, “This is my Son, whom I love.
Listen to Him!” (Mark 9:7).
The glory of God, revealed through the ministries of Moses and Elijah
(the law and the prophets), was nothing compared with the glory of the
Lord Jesus Christ (Mark 8:8). The Psalmist says, “Lord, I love the house where You live, the place where Your glory dwells” (Psalm 26:8). Why do we go to the House of the Lord? - “in the great assembly I will praise the Lord” (Psalm 26:12).
The power of God was upon Elisha. God was at work in mighty power. When we red about Elisha, we say, in our hearts, ‘This is not about Elisha. This is about God - - God working through Elisha.’ We must always remember to give all the glory to the Lord. The praise does not belong to the servant. It belongs to the Lord. He alone is worthy of praise.
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