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One Year Bible: Day 337 - Daniel 9:20-11:1; 1 John 3:11-4:6; Psalm 137:1-9

"When He spoke to me, I was strengthened" (Daniel 10:19). The strength we receive from the Lord is a greater strength than the temptations we face - "the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world" (1 John 4:4). To know that we receive such strength from the Lord is very encouraging when we are mocked by "our tormentors" (Psalm 137:3). Their scorn makes us wonder, "How can we sing the songs of the Lord while in a foreign land?" (Psalm 137:4). When this question arises in our hearts, "God who is greater than our hearts" (1 John 3:20) speaks His Word, and we are strengthened with the strength which comes from Him, His strength. With His strength, we are able to sing "songs of joy" (Psalm 137:3). We have this testimony - "The joy of the Lord is my strength." By ourselves, we are cast down with weeping (Psalm 137:1). Strengthened by the Lord, we have joy. We rejoice in Him.


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