In Exodus 12:13, we read of the Passover – “when I see the blood, I will pass over you.” In the story of Christ’s crucifixion, we have the message of His blood being shed for sinners. This is illustrated in the events of Jesus being crucified and Barabbas being set free. the chief priests and the teachers of the law did not understand what was really happening. God was bringing salvation to sinners through the death of Christ, the sinless Saviour. In Christ, there are “eternal blessings” (Psalm 16:6). These blessings are given to us by God.
The power of God was upon Elisha. God was at work in mighty power. When we red about Elisha, we say, in our hearts, ‘This is not about Elisha. This is about God - - God working through Elisha.’ We must always remember to give all the glory to the Lord. The praise does not belong to the servant. It belongs to the Lord. He alone is worthy of praise.
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