There is a great similarity between Job’s ‘comforters’ and the
Pharisees. Job’s ‘comforters’ say, “Should God then reward you on your
terms, when you refuse to repent? … Job speaks without knowledge; his
words lack insight … To his sin, he adds rebellion … and multiplies his
words against God” (Job 34:33-37). To the Pharisees, Jesus says, “Woe to
you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the
door of the Kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not
enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to” (Matthew
23:13-14). There is, however, a better way – “You save the humble but
bring low those whose eyes are haughty” (Psalm 18:27).
The power of God was upon Elisha. God was at work in mighty power. When we red about Elisha, we say, in our hearts, ‘This is not about Elisha. This is about God - - God working through Elisha.’ We must always remember to give all the glory to the Lord. The praise does not belong to the servant. It belongs to the Lord. He alone is worthy of praise.
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