Criticism of Jacob by Laban (Genesis 31), criticism of Jesus by the Pharisees (the criticism of the disciples is implicitly a criticism of Jesus – Matthew 12:1-2 ), criticism of the Psalmist (“O Lord, see how my enemies persecute me!” – Psalm 9:13 ) – criticism is directed against the Lord’s people in every generation. Whatever criticism there may be, we must learn to hear, with faith, the Word of the Lord – “Here is my servant whom I have chosen, the one I love, in whom I delight” ( Matthew 12:18 ). These words are, supremely, true of Jesus. Nevertheless, they are also true of Jacob who took his place in the ongoing purpose of God, David who “declared God’s praises … and rejoiced in His salvation” ( Psalm 9:14 ) and ourselves who have been saved by His grace. In our conflict with evil, we must take our problem to the Lord, praying, with the Psalmist – “Arise, O Lord, let not man triumph” ( Psalm 9:19 ). One Year Bible - Day 15: Genesis 31:1-55; Matthew 1...