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Keeping Things Simple - Big Thoughts In Short Sentences (updated with thoughts on Joshua)


When I was writing these words, I was thinking of some of the stories in the book of Genesis (the book of beginnings). I was thinking about Adam, Abraham and Joseph - and I was thinking about Jesus!
It was the genesis of my life.
Things were looking so good.
Then, it all went badly wrong.
What could be done about this?
Could things be turned around?
The devil was running the show.
Where was God in all of this?
Was He there? or Had He gone?
The more I thought about this,
The more I came to see,
The Lord was watching me,
Waiting for me to come home.
It was the genesis of my faith.
What must I do to be saved?
Look away from myself.
Put my trust in Jesus Christ.
Things are looking so good.
They're on the up and up.
The sun  is shining in the sky.
It's not just the sun that's in the sky.
It's the Son who's shining on me.
It's the Saviour. He loves me.
It's the Saviour. He changes me.
It's Jesus. All praise to His Name.
It was the genesis of my calling.
The Lord loves every one.
He calls me to show His love,
To show them His love is real
It's not a love for some of us.
It's love for every one.
Let His love show. Let His love flow.
Let it reach out to every one.
Life is never easy.
Egypt's never far away.
In fact, it's all around us.
It rises in our hearts.
Is there something better?
We may never escape.
We're stuck in the place where we are,
But God is there beside us.
He's with us all the way.
What an exodus it was!
Was it really a deliverance?
Was it more than a departure?
Departure? - Yes. it was.
It involved the peoples' choice.
They had to follow God's direction.
Deliverance? - That's what it was.
It required the power of God.
The people made their choice.
The power came from God.
God said, "I will do this."
God said, "Will you follow?"
It came from the people.
It came from the Lord.
They called on Him.
He answered them.
"This is what we want."
"This is what I'll give to you."


Leviticus - it's such a strange book.
Is it really worth another look?
It speaks of the God who's holy.
It tells us that He loves us.
It points us to the Lamb of God.
He takes away our sin.


Walking around in the desert,
It seems such a waste of time,
Or, was there someting more than that?
Is there a way out of the wasteland?
Yes! There is the promised land.
The Lord is with us in the desert.
He will not leave us there.


These thoughts are based on Deuteronomy 8:3.

Feed us, Lord.
Feed us with Your Word.
Give us hunger,
Real hunger - for Your Word.

Satisfy us, Lord.
Speak to us - Your Word.
Fill our hearts with joy,
The joy of knowing You.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go" (Joshua 1:9).
We have our anxieties, we have our fears.
Sometimes, our worries drive us to tears.
What are we to do when it all seems too much?
Let's wait upon God for His powerful touch.
We need not fear the way ahead. He will be our Guide.
He will lead us in His way. He'll be by our side.


These thoughts are based on Jeremiah 1:6-8 and Jeremiah 6:16.

He was just a young boy.
Jeremiah was his name.
He had something to say to the people,
Something that they would not forget.
This was more than the word of man.
This was the Word of the Lord.
They may not respond to the Word of the Lord.
They would never forget that they heard it.
What did Jeremiah say to them?
Did he say something new?
No! He said, "Go back to the beginning.
Get back to the Word of the Lord."


These thoughts are based on Amos 7:14.

Amos was a herdsman,
Looking after sheep.
Do we catch a glimpse of Someone else,
the Shepherd of our souls?
Jesus is there, just behind the scenes.
He loves us with the best love -
It's better than all the rest.


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