of the Jews' (Matthew 2:2). Jesus came from the Jews. He came for 'all nations' (Matthew 28:19). He is the 'King of kings' (Revelation 17:14; Revelation 19:16). Here on
earth, we are learning 'to worship Him' (Matthew 2:2). We are being prepared for
heavenly worship (Revelation 7:9-12): 'Kings and queens and beggarmen,
presidents and servants, the people of all nations, will gather on that
day. We will kneel before the King. None will be observers. We will lift
our voices. Together, we will say, "He is the King and He will reign
forever. He is the King and we will sing His praise. The King of kings
and Lord of lords forever, Jesus, He is the King. Hallelujah to the
King, He is our salvation. Master of the universe, King of all
creation"!' Let 'Jesus...take the highest honour'. Let us 'glorify the
King of kings' (Songs of Fellowship, 302, 590).
"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you" (Isaiah 60:1). * Let the light of Christ shine. * Let the words of Scripture lead to thoughts of the Saviour. * In Christ, we are called to salvation, sanctification and service. * Be wise – worship the Saviour. Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-7,10-14; Eph 3:1-12; Mt 2:1-12
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